Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Let the SON Go Down"

I had a revelation today as I read a blog titled "Do not let the sun go down on you if you are angry." Ephesians 4:16-27 talks about never letting the devil get a foothold on your anger before you retire for the day. I have always believed that with my wife, not letting conflict go to bed in our hearts. All the unsaid confrontations that we let go pile up on us throughout the day and have a cumilating anger effect on us. Most of the time they are untrue and false perceptions the devil leaves unsaid. What we hear usually is not what we really heard, but some misconstrued reality that is not communicated correctly.My new mantra is to be like Jesus, confront the situation head on to articulate the truth, and then instead "Let the SON Go Down" on our anger. If we let the SON in and ask for truth, the Son of the living God will reconcile the situation and bring the truth clearly. We will find that our perceptions are in the devil's details. Let the SON go down. I like that!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

7 Day Spiritual Growth Challenge

Dear friends,

I pray all is well. You all met the challenge back in June doing the “Pentecost Experience.” I was wondering, now 3 months later, how this discipline is somewhat a part of your life or not today? As time has gone on for me, it has become harder and harder to do the daily journaling (and blogging). I have been fairly consistent reading scripture and praying, as well as doing a form of fasting called “portion control.” (fight the urge for seconds and desserts! Man I love food!). How are things going spiritually for you? Let me know via email or feel free to blog again on the website at:

The last thing I wanted to let you know is I’m trying a seven day spiritual growth challenge of being rooted in the Seven Last Words of Christ. (this idea spanned when Pr. Bill told me he was going to use the Seven Last Words of Christ in his sermon tomorrow as part of our “TXT” worship series). I plan on fasting, journaling, meditating daily on the each of the seven last words, and spending time in prayer. Let me know if you would like to do the same and do the challenge with me. I’m attaching the seven last words for you I will follow and plan on blogging and journaling, as well as the Pentecost Experience guidebook to revisit some of the spiritual disciplines.

Peace my friends,

Pr. Brian