Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pentecost Experience Begin's Today: Ascension Day

What if we actually practiced spiritual disciplines they did in the bible? Would our lives change? What if we took an ancient practice of spending ten days seeking God in our own “Upper Room? What might happen?

You can’t plan Pentecost. However, from the time of Jesus’ ascension, 120 followers of Jesus spent 10 days praying and fasting and seeking God deeply. And Pentecost happened. Miracles happened in Jerusalem and the ancient world was turned upside down.

Are we bold enough to believe that God could turn our world upside down in us and through us, if we practiced a Pentecost Experience? In our church…in our community? Brace yourself…this could be a wild ride! (Believe it or not, the Holy Spirit has been called the “Wild Goose” before!)

Why don't you join me beginning today with the Pentecost Experience?:

*Spend 10 days from May 26 (Ascension Day)-June 5 (Pentecost) fasting, praying, reading scripture, and journaling into God's presence

*Component Number 1: Fasting. Every day either skip a meal, a favorite food, etc
*Component Number 2: Praying. Spend 10 minutes a day in prayer and meditation
*Component Number 3: Reading Scripture. 10 minutes a day reading a portion of scripture
*Component Number 4: Journaling. Find a journal and journal 10 minutes a day. If time send a journal entry to me at and I'll post it on the blog at or or

Bottom line: 30 minutes a day plus fasting in your own "upper room"

End the "Pentecost Experience" on June 5 with an optional time after 10:30 am worship to debrief your Pentecost Experience in the Atrium Lounge with Pastor Brian Norsman or post your overall experiences at

Are you in? Let me know and I will send you a Pentecost Experience packet to your email address. Email me at or or call me at 651.276.1992. You can also use Twittter at or facebook at

Blessings on your Pentecost Experience. I pray you are able to dig deeper into God's presence and power these next 10 days.

In His Grip,

Brian Norsman

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