Sunday, May 29, 2011

What does the Holy Spirit Look Like?

In Acts 1, Jesus ascension happens and he is reunited back with His Father.  He makes a promise that the Holy Spirit will come, and to wait on the Spirit.  So, 120 people spend 10 days waiting and praying for God to move and unleash his power.  That is the heart of the Pentecost Experience: using some ancient waiting intensity and prayer digging deeper into God's promises for us.  Living with an expectation that God's power can transform lives.

So, on Day 3, of the Pentecost Experience, I wonder, what the Holy Spirit looks like? We see images in the bible of tongues of fire, rushing wind, and a dove flying from heaven. But, have you really seen the Spirit alive today? The Gospel verses from John 14:15-21 give us a little window into what the Spirit might look like.  Jesus is saying goodbye to His loved ones in the farewell discourse and assures him they will not be alone.  Another Advocate will come to remain and abide in them.  They have nothing to fear.

This Advocate in greek (Paraclete) is a legal term for one who will defend you, speak on your behalf, and lend you a helping hand. One who will help you and come alongside you and won't ever leave you.  I like that.  A God that will never let you go and is always with you--in your good times and your bad times.  Jesus says another advocate will come.  One that will look a lot like Jesus, abiding in us like Jesus abides in us.  One that will be sent by Jesus to remind us of what Jesus did and taught us how to live as people in the Kingdom of God.

As Dr. David Lose says, "the Spirit is an advocate that looks a whole lot like Jesus."  Makes sense. So, in all reality we have seen the Holy Spirit.  Every time someone stands up for the voiceless or the marginalized.  Any time someone acts like Jesus.  Whenever someone bears Christ's name and love and gives hope.  That is why Jesus says we "know him."  In fact, as Dr. Lose says, the Spirit might look a lot like you, or me or someone who does these things.

The Holy Spirit I've seen and you have seen.  May we reflect this Spirit, abide in it, and pour this power into a broken world.  The world needs to see the Spirit and feel the Spirit and be loved by the Spirit that will never leave them orphaned, abandoned, or without hope.

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