10 days praying, fasting, reading scripture, and journaling into God's presence as disciples... How could God truly unleash his power?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Paddling Upstream
I made it to the final canoe landing and things got worse: no canoes! All the kids had proceeded further down past the final landing.My parent sense started freaking out. Not another canoe landing for 10 miles and Mays Ledges, a treacherous rapids somewhere in that stretch. So, I paddled like a demon possessed man catching up to one canoe after another and sending them back upstream. 15 minutes later all were safe...but 3 miles down the river with only one thing to do: Paddle Upstream!
Our Christian walk is like paddling upstream. It's easy to follow the downstream current of the world, but to follow Jesus? That takes a different, more difficult mindset and sometimes 5 times the amount of effort or strokes. Paddling upstream is hard, but worth it. God opens our eyes to see the hurting, the oppressed, and the lonely and actually do something about it. It's hard to serve, its hard to spend time with God in prayer and scripture...but it's worth it. Keep paddling and find that deep well of God within you. When you paddle upstream with God, sooner or later you're paddling downstream with God into the world! Amen!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Time to Exhale
However, most people live by the motto of another billboard I saw on the gulf coast last summer: “aspire to retire.” So you work hard all of your life to retire and turn off the life and breath of the Spirit’s power. The most amazing and inspiring people I know are the ones who finish strong and inspire me with their words and actions every day of their lives. They “fight the good fight” and pursue the heavenly way, which isn’t always easy. But, they try. When they are tired, they go deeper. When they are challenged, they rise above. When they are disheartened, they live by faith. When they make mistakes, they repent and live anew. When they are touched by God, they pass it on. And inspire.
I pray that this Pentecost Experience has inspired us and given us a different breadth and depth we haven’t had before. I pray that we will take the disciplines we have learned these 10 days and incorporate them into our daily lives in some way, shape, or form. I too need to remember that this is not a sprint, but a marathon. May we finish strong. May we take the dreams and miracles that God has placed deep in our hearts… and let them have breath.
It’s time to exhale.
Monday, June 9, 2008
The "Son in your Eye"
I guess I have realized that we are going be blinded by a lot of other things competing for our time and our hearts. And, most of the time those are all good things that God has blessed us with in the places and spaces of our lives.
Today, I’m praying for being blinded by the “Son.” Blinded by the awesome light and power of God’s amazing grace and love for me. For when we let that light so shine in us, it gets reflected through us and unto the world around us. And, we will shine. (even if it’s raining out)
My thought for the day has been some lyrics from one of my favorite songs which I happened to randomly hear from my computer this evening. “Here I am to worship” by Chris Tomlin has been inspirational to me for several years now. In the song, he writes “I'll never know how much it cost… to see my sin upon that cross” This chorus has spoken to me deeply in the past couple of days, as I realize that within my human lifetime, I will NEVER be able to understand how much my personal sin drags me further and further away from Christ. Even the things which I convince myself are minor hurt my personal relationship with someone who died for me. Even something as small as not being nice to my mom in the morning breaks-down the relationship with my savior… because he didn’t live a life like that… he lived a sinless life, and paid the price of yours and mine with it, brutally! I would encourage any of you to Google the lyrics of this song and study them very carefully. Next Sunday in worship, try to think about what they are saying and how we can prepare our hearts to do just that. Hopefully, It will help you as much as it has helped me keep my heart in worship.
Tonight, I pray Lord that you will help us drive out our desires for sin in our lives. Sometimes it seems so right, sometimes it’s easier, it makes us feel better. Help us wrap our strength around these barriers from you, and work to crumble them. You have already given us what it takes to live a life solely for you. As we battle the weight of sin in our lives, I pray that our every moment will help us do as you’ve commanded us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing” and to deeply ask for your presence every second of every day.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
A thought on fasting
Last night waiting in the airport to see if our plane would take off (it didn't), and entertaining our amazing children while sorting out the issues of rescheduling our flights, hotels, rental car, and finding our checked baggage, and a taxi home, the familiar evening hunger pain in my belly was a sweet reminder of God, and love and gratitude and blessings. Through what could have been an ordeal, my family, as well as a lot of people at the airport, remained in good spirits and worked through the situation. On the way home my son asked if the devil had made our airplane not take off. And my husband responded that it could have been the devil and maybe it was God taking care of us. I smiled and thanked God again for my amazing family.
It reminds me that in times of challenge we need God more. We seek God because we don't know if we can make it on our own (and we don't have to). For me the fasting part of this has been a challenge, and something that I wasn't sure I would be able to follow through with or even if I wanted to follow through. And it has been an experience of asking God for help, and doing my part and accepting forgiveness when I didn't do it perfectly. Maybe fasting is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
My heart is good and my heart matters to God. Through Christ, God is transforming my character, my motives, my desires from the inside out. If I have to do this on my own power, I am out of luck. Only through the power of Christ can I hope to produce the fruits of the spirit. It is Christ in me that produces the love for my enemy, loving others as myself, etc.
My deep desires in my walk with God:
to be made whole and holy by his love;
a deeper intimacy with Jesus;
transformation of my character to Christ's character.
I like reading the NIV translation; however, The Message bible really highlights the key point for me, oftentimes. I want to share a few verses and my thoughts this morning.
Romans 6:6-11, The Message
...If we get included in Christ's sin-conquering death, we also get included in his life-saving resurrection. ...When Jesus died, he took sin down with him, but alive he brings God down to us. ...You are dead to sin and alive to God. That's what Jesus did.
I want more of Christ's work, his death, resurrection and ascension, for my life. God will bring it to me.
Romans 8:29-30, The Message
God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there. ...And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun.
What great news, God is shaping my life to the life of his Son. I want more of Christ's character in my life: his compassion, his integrity, his ability to navigate difficult situations, his fierceness.
Romans 12:1-3, The Message
...Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. ...God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. ...it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.
I am learning to love God with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. More of my heart is being turned over to God. I am embracing more of the truths of what God has done for me. I am turning my life more and more over to Christ.
Friday, June 6, 2008
A Tall Order
Thursday, June 5, 2008
"God the Centerpiece"
This experience isn't that of becoming a monk and freeing ourselves from the world, it's about using these disciplines to center ourselves in the busyness, and business of our daily lives. I want my relationship with God to grow closer, and to do that I need to work to make God the centerpiece.
More Struggles
Last night I was feeling a little off because I didn't feel like I was able to do the things I had said I wanted to do for this time. My husband was irritated I didn't want to eat dinner, the kids needed attention when I wanted to read the bible and write in my journal. So I ate dinner and fasted afterward (to breakfast) and I had time with the kids. And I prayed for about 30 seconds and asked God to help me do what he wants me to do.
And this morning I read somewhere in John, someone asked Jesus what is the work that God wants us to do. And Jesus replied, The work of the father is that you believe in the son. Whew... I got that one.
I'll do my best on the rest, and believe in Jesus. No worries.
I appreciate and enjoy your emails.
I'm having a hard time.
I've been skipping a meal a day (which has not been easy for me), and am happy if I lose weight, but I'm not sure what it's doing for me spiritually.
I enjoy our Tuesday morning Bible study group and the discussion, but it's hard for me to make time to read and really reflect on the passages, on my own after a long day. Maybe we've just been too busy this week, with my wife's sister and family visiting from Florida, but I'll keep trying.
Today I feel like the well has run dry. I don’t feel real creative. I feel tired and a little worn out. I’m trying to muster energy. I’m trying deeper than ever to listen to God.
I think we all go through dry times—desert times. In the Bible, the desert was a wilderness. A dangerous place where animals and wild creatures ran rampant. A dangerous place. A place where you go to God and trust him even deeper. The desert was a place for wandering Jews to be molded by God for 40 years before they entered the promised land. It was also a place of temptation for Jesus who fasted for 40 days as he faced the devil’s empty promises. The desert was the place where John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus as he sat on Jordan River’s banks.
Being molded by God. Temptation to sell out or give up when you are hungry and tired. Preparing the way for God to go even deeper in us and others. Wow, I like that. Maybe the desert isn’t as dry as I thought. Maybe God is preparing a deeper place to take root in us to prepare the way for others. Telling us that faith isn’t always a feeling, but a deeper trust and conviction. That our God is alive even in the deserts of our lives.
It is interesting why I was thinking about the desert, because all of a sudden it is raining like crazy outside.
Taking the lead on this idea of the desert, here are some verses for today:
Matthew 3:1-6 John preparing the way in the desert
Luke 4:1-15 Jesus Tempted in the desert wilderness
Exodus 16:35-17:1 Israel in the desert wilderness 40 years
Psalms 78:40-53 He brought his people out like a flock, he led them like sheep through the desert
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Bloom Where You Are Planted
With that said, I will share the following thoughts with you....My quiet time in God's Word today was inspired by my thoughtful husband. He spent his time in prayer while wandering around our property collecting a variety of blooms from our gardens. I awoke to a gift on our kitchen island--a vase full of daisies, lilies, purple phlox, bleeding hearts, and others that remain nameless to me. I enjoyed this bouquet all day and waited for my "quiet time" to come.God provided me with a small miracle in the form of a rare afternoon nap for George.
"Bloom Where You Are Planted" filled my thoughts as I gazed upon the path of purple phlox stretching toward the creek. I opened my Bible. Jesus uses so many parables about plants and the planter, but I turned to Matthew 13: 31-32--the classic parable of the mustard seed. We all know that the mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds known yet with proper care it too can become a great, big plant. The connection to my life was obvious--I must continue to be spiritually "fed", "watered", and "nurtured" by studying God's Word in order to achieve that great, big purpose He has for my own life. This pentecost experience has been a spring board for reminding me to make that time for spiritual growth...even when life is hectic and busy.
God bless this small group and the tiny miracles we will experience!
There is More
God reveals to me that there is so much more that He wants for me: more freedom to pursue the life that he promises, a life abundant in Christ; more healing from wounds, disappointments; more masculine strength; more joy; more of the character of Christ. Yes! I desire all of these things. It is a great encouragement to realize that God wants all of these things and more for me. I must seek Him and pursue Him, not grasping or striving but being open and inviting. This life journey of seeking an ever-deepening relationship with Christ is exciting. I want an ever-increasingness to my walk and relationship with God.
From The Message version of Romans 8:15-17 :
This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what's coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we're certainly going to go through the good times with him!
Father, bring more of the adventurously expectant life to me. Use the difficult times in my life for training for encouraging. Help me to appreciate and see the joy of the good times as well. I give my life to you God, all of my desires, all of my hopes and dreams. I give you my body, soul and spirit. Take me deeper into the adventure you have in mind for me. Bring the healing and the restoration that I need as well. Raise the issues in my life that need to be addressed. Help me to see and to hear the ways that you are speaking to my heart. Abba, I belong to you. Thank you, Father.
My Father's Healing
12 years of bleeding. I can't imagine the pain and despair this woman felt, yet I find myself envying her. Her faith, her belief that just a touch of His cloak would heal her. Jesus' words to this woman, "Daughter your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering," (Mark 5:43) are the words I still long to hear.
Great Realization
I look for opportunities to share his love. Emailing Walt and Kirby about their mom, having lunch with Pat - I realized the many opportunities we have to share God's love.What I keep hearing is "Don't Worry". There is a peace within myself. I hear "Be in the moment". I hear Laura and she is the most important thing at the moment. So, off we go to find shorts. I listen to Chris - without judgment.
WOW - I just realized and truly accept something that is huge for me. Each person is doing the best they can with what they know at the moment. Therefore, there can be no judging. And God won’t judge me!! Just like a loving parent. He waits and watches and worries and gently guides me to become the person I am. I really get God's love right now. It is the love I feel for my children- when I know how wonderful they are even when they don’t. This is God's love. I am truly surrounded by it.
Do You Want to Be Healed?
Last week I was cleaning up some boxes of stuff I had in my uncles basement and came across a “personal and confidential” torn, battered box. These were letters and notes from my parents, siblings, friends, and relationships I hadn’t looked at in 20 years. A lot of emotions flooded in me I didn’t know was still there. In there was a lot of joy, but a lot of it was pain from my past that hadn’t been brought out in many years. I think God for some reason took me supernaturally into some of those journal entries, letters, and notes for a reason. A part of me had to go into the pain to be healed from the pain, and find deeper wholeness and restoration in God. A part of me had to repent for some things and turn to God for even deeper trust and healing. A part of me knew to find the healing waters I had to let Jesus enter my heart and soul even deeper.
God knows the deeper needs of our hearts. That is why Jesus asks an even deeper, startling question “Do you want to be healed?” (John 5:6) Are you willing to take a deeper look underneath the trunk and let God seep into the crevices of your soul where healing needs to happen? When you let those healing waters of grace and peace into those deep crevices, it is no wonder we leap for joy and take up our mat and walk and tell the world of God’s amazing and saving love.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Oh Joy...
As I began my day, I found myself thinking "oh joy, another day of deprivation" referring the the fasting component of this experience. This thought then got me to thinking about God's will and our will. How somehow, surrendering one's own will feels like depriving oneself. I need to remind myself that less is not always less.... less can be more. I need to focus on the gifts of God and those of the Holy Spirit rather than trying to compartmentalize God according to my world and my will.
Distractions and Focus...
It never ceases to amaze me how easily distracted I can get. I’m supposed to be working at focusing my daily, sometimes vacant thought and emotion on Christ, right? Ok… I can do that. Oh really? Let’s try. Just today, I started a new job. My commute to Chicagoland immediately got the better half of me. The lengthy, but reasonable drive in the morning was supposed to be my outlet, my charging place, my time to let God help me start the day. A driver cut me off, the toll road quickly turned into a trap, it became every frustration that I let it. Curses, moans, glares and scowls were soon all I could hear above my blaring music. Christ… my savior… God… my father… right… umm, not right now, I can’t think in this traffic jam. Maybe if everything around me weren’t so noisy, I could just let him into my life like I once did so dearly. After an arduous day of policies, paperwork and professionalism, I drove home in shame. Could I have been any more deliberate in turning my back to God? As I rolled along, I remembered the words of Paul, teaching me to “be in this world, but not of it.” How can I glorify him if I’m of my surroundings? My loud music, cursing at stopped cars and outright ignorance make it impossible. I’ve been thinking about the great commission quite a bit recently. What would happen if I took his helping hand and “went forth making disciples of all nations… teaching them to obey?” This is how I can focus on him, I know it is. If I just opened my heart to those irritating little things all around me, how much more could my vacant thought and emotions grow towards God? Tearing myself away from this daily recharging opportunity in the morning is merely a detriment. God loves me, and there is no way I can work at understanding that when I’m building my frustrations on the material road around me. Let go, I need to tell myself. Listen… charge. Tomorrow morning, I’ll try this all over again. I need to build my day upon my rock, not the worldly emotions that have sometimes carried me away. Lord, I pray that you will give me the strength and patience to just listen… to your words, and to you working in people’s hearts. I took a sour step this morning, but with confidence, I can put the right foot ahead tomorrow morning. In your name…
Joy Continued...
"Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you... " Hebrews 13: 17
Most of the time ministry is a sheer JOY, but there are times that burdens become extremely strong and overwhelming...
Man, this experience has been awesome for me! Today, God brought to me needing to be filled with more JOY. Not, that I don’t have a lot of JOY, but the JOY that comes from God’s presence. Here are a few of my journal entries and the scripture verses I used for today:
Psalm 16. (vs. 11 especially) “In thy presence there is fullness of JOY.” God help me find even deeper JOY in my heart. In my tiredness, my seriousness, my working so hard to please, I realize that sometimes the JOY that is in front of me is zapped. The JOY of a baby boy’s curiousity, the JOY of the beautiful flowers spring up everywhere, the JOY of my wife’s companionship and beauty, the JOY of a home cooked meal, the JOY of a walk on our property…JOY, JOY, JOY.
Psalm 91. (the familiar Eagle’s Wings psalm) It is so awesome to know that God bears us up all as an Eagle on His wings. In Psalm 91, it says “He will give his angels charge of you—to guard you in all his ways.” I love that knowing that God is our refuge and fortress and that we need not fear as we go forward in our lives.
Matthew 11: “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” “My yoke is easy, my burden is light.” Maybe JOY is seeing our yokes being lightened and giving our burdens to God. I came up with these questions to ponder:
What has a stronghold—YOKE—over me right now?
What burdens can I ease to find even deeper JOY?
What is the JOY from God I can fill deeper in my heart?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Scripture Suggestions
New Testament Gospel Verses
John 10: 1-18. The sheep know the voice of the shepherd. Do we? Are we walking in deeper intimacy with the voice of God? When the sheep follow the shepherd they find pasture.
John 15:1-17. Jesus as the vine. We are the branches of the vine to abide in Christ and the Father’s love for us. We are called to be so intimately connected to the vine that we will bear fruit. That fruit is known in love for God and one another. Life flows from the vine to the branches to bearing fruit in this world.
Psalm 32: 1-11. This talks about in vs. 8 God instructing us and teaching us in the ways we should go. If we follow him, he will counsel us and watch over us.
Psalm 42: 1-11. I love this one taking the imagery of a deer longing for flowing streams as the way we should thirst for God. There is so much more in this psalm!
Psalm 16:1-11. “You have made known to me the path of life.” Life as sheep following a shepherd has privilege and joy in following him. He will show us the path to true life if we listen to him
Psalms 119:89-111. “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (vs. 105—this is a great one to memorize!) Let the word of God be a joy of our hearts (vs. 111)
Other verses:
I Kings 19:1-18. Elijah has almost given up, tired, exhausted serving his God. God feeds him and tells him to go up to a cave to listen to God. Note in vs. 11-12 how God makes himself known in a “still, small voice.” Some say “sheer silence.” God typically doesn’t come in a theophany like a thunderbolt, lightning, an earthquake or a windstorm, but in a gentle, reassuring voice that is quiet and loving. That voice is the gentle voice of a loving shepherd.
I think that the next verses will focus on healing and restoration of our souls—knowing the peace of God that surpasses all understanding as we keep our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. I pray for alignment of God’s spirit to your hearts spirit this week as you long for his flowing streams. On to some prayer time!
Pr. Brian