Friday, June 6, 2008

A Tall Order

As I read Romans 12 this morning I couldn't help but feel that being a Christian and living out my faith is a pretty tall order. I made a list in my journal of the things that this passage is calling me to do. The first few sounded ok: hate evil, cling to good, be devoted to one another in brotherly love. I'm certainly not saying that these are easy or that I always do these things, but they don't seem nearly as difficult as some of the commands that follow. Bless those who persecute me?? Do not repay evil for evil? Do not take revenge? Really? I am actually required to be kind to those who aren't kind to me? In fact, I'm supposed to bestow blessings on the guy who cuts me off in traffic and the co-worker who talks to me in a condescending manner, and the student who continually disrupts my class? Wow. Now that's what I call tough. I guess this is where the importance of training comes into play. Maybe if I train myself to silently recite a bible passage when someone irritates me, rather than giving them a piece of mind, then it will bring me closer to having the peace of God which transcends all understanding.

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